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Nov 17, 2023

Whether you’re cruising in a Continental or exploring in a Navigator, the importance of maintaining every aspect of your vehicle, especially your tires, cannot be overstated. Tires keep you connected to the road, but how do you know when it’s time for new tires from your Lincoln dealer?

Tread Depth and the Penny Test

The most straightforward way to check if your tires are due for a replacement is the penny test. Simply insert a penny into the tread groove upside-down. If you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, it means your tread depth is less than 2/32 inches, and it’s time to replace your tires.

Tread Wear Indicator Bar

Modern tires come with built-in tread wear indicators. These are small raised bars that sit within the grooves of your tire. Once these bars become flush with the tire’s tread, it means the tread depth has reached the point of replacement.

Cracks in the Sidewall

Inspect the sidewalls of your tires. Visible cracks or cuts in the sidewall can be an indication that your tires are developing leaks or are close to failure. Sidewall damage can compromise the structural integrity of your tires, posing a safety risk.

Bulges and Blisters

Sometimes the outer surface of the tire develops weak spots, which can manifest as bulges or blisters. These weak spots can cause sudden tire blowouts and are definite signs that your tires need to be replaced immediately.

Excessive Vibration

While some vibration during driving is normal, especially on poorly paved roads, excessive vibration may indicate tire issues. This could be due to misalignment, imbalance, or internal tire damage, and it’s a good idea to have them checked out at the dealership.

Age of the Tires

Even if your tires look okay, tire age is an important factor to consider. Most manufacturers recommend replacing your tires every six years, regardless of tread depth. Over time, the rubber in the tires degrades, which can lead to reduced performance and increased risk of tire failure.

Frequent Loss of Tire Pressure

If you find yourself needing to pump air into your tires frequently, it could be a sign of a slow leak. Consistently low tire pressure affects your car’s fuel efficiency and handling.

Visit Your Lincoln Dealer for New Tires

When it’s time for a new set of tires, your dealership is an excellent place to start. Our technicians have specialized knowledge of Lincoln vehicles. We can recommend the best tires for your model and driving habits, and then correctly install them.

Recognizing when it’s time for a fresh set of tires is crucial for maintaining the safety of your vehicle. If you’re noticing any of these signs, don’t hesitate to get help from the experts. Visit Oliver Lincoln to get your tires taken care of today!